Cat that kicks an exclamation mark.
Hardware of a Free Design
Transparent. No Tricks. No Compromises.


The Mission

Do you like proprietary software? I don’t. That’s why I use GNU/Linux and other Free Software only.

Do you like proprietary hardware? I don’t. That’s why I would like to use free-design hardware only, but in general there is none available. Companies keep essential internals apart from the public, mechanical construction data is not published, access to system boards is restricted and processor internals are subject to Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs).

That is what needs to be changed! Under the umbrella of the Zerocat label, I am going to publish true free-design hardware projects only, that is hardware of a free design even down to chip level. Come and join.

Get Concerned

Setting up free-design hardware is not that easy! In general, you won’t find solutions that are ‘clean’, every system is somehow infiltrated by proprietary business models, non-disclosure agreements and undocumented features. When it comes to electronics, you will depend on closed-source microchips and discretes very quickly. As today’s chips are getting at the same time smaller and more powerful, the public should get concerned. Which data will be sent to whom by the tiny heating sensor in your bedroom?

Precious Exception

A precious exception is the P8X32A microchip from Parallax. Its design files have been released under a free license, and they have a manageable number of code lines.

With this chip, a new class of electronic devices is doable: One that is free, trustworthy and adaptable to indvidual or local necessities, now and in future.

We are able to build true free-design electronics, and we should not give up this exceptional condition easily. Let’s achieve more than just board layouts of a free design, instead we should aim to avoid non-free microchips wherever possible.

Social Charta

I believe in open societies. I am convinced that privacy empowers civil courage and minorities, which are required to keep societies vivid. Private rooms encourage development of experimental ideas apart from mainstream opinions.

Therefore, I promote:

...and last but not least: A fair and libre business practice.