This is the place to look for announcements, activities, statements and ingoing donations – all provided to give you the best reasons to follow and endorse Zerocat and its ambitions. Interested into a personal notification upon new entry? Send your mail!
Chipflasher: Version v2.1.5 released!
This release comes with fixes and improvements of great impact!
- Full chip erase fixed.
- SPI clock fixed and improved.
- Chip detection refined.
- Hardware Write Protection nicely supported.
- Resolution of WIP tests increased.
- Job start conditions improved.
- [...]
Get started with 4MHz SPI clock!
See project’s change log for details.
Chipflasher: Version v2.1.4 released!
This version ships five fixes that must not wait to be published, please update your firmware! See project’s change log for details.
Devices in shop are now ready to ship with R23 set to 100Ohm and R10 set to 1000Ohm.
Fine test runs with clock driver set to 50% have been been done on ThinkPad T60/AT26DF161, ThinkPad T60/SST25VF016B, Thinkpad T500/MX25L6405D and with discrete W25Q32.V SPI flash.
A test run on discrete MX25L6405D was successful as well with clock driver set to 100% and R_pull set to 1000Ohm (R23 not populated).
Chipflasher: Version v2.1.3 released!
See project’s change log for details.
Spin documentation output looks nice, issues of previous three versions
are fixed, code of kick2-connect
runs even faster, and protection
registers for Atmel chips are supported:
Menu, displaying Atmel protection registers of a ThinkPad T60 mainboard.
Chipflasher: Version v2.1.1 released! Calling for test feedback...
See project’s change log for details.
Some key improvements are:
Firmware ‘kick2’ is ready to run on board-edition-1 and board-v2 – with all interfaces, back again, as make files could get fixed.
DIP switch settings of board-v2 are recognized on the fly.
The integrated voltage monitor collects voltage levels during flash jobs – and provides statistics in the menu:
Menu with Vcc statistics for ThinkPad T60 mainboard.
Chipflasher: Version v2.1.0 released! PCBv2 ships socketed Pull-ups.
This is a major step! Since version 2.0.5, 290 commits were made! The
firmware has been reviewed in detail – several bugs in kick2-connect
could be discovered and fixed. Functionality has been added. And code
within loops has been optimized. The overall experience of the menu
driven device should now be convincing and satisfying ...
... read more in project’s change log.
Chipflasher v2.1.0 released! PCBv2 ships socketed Pull-ups.
While editing the good news, year 2024 past away to give room for 2025 – happy new year!
(edit: 2025/02/11) 2024/12/12
GNU Boot: Maintainer prepares his daily driver with Zerocat’s
Chipflasher v2 operating on X301 Mobo with WSON clip – © Adrien 'neox' Bourmault, Public Domain
This photo provides exciting details: The Chipflasher v2 perfectly serves to modify the BIOS chip of a ThinkPad X301 motherboard. In combination with a standard, industrial WSON clip, risky soldering is not required.
2024/12/03 (updated 2024/12/04)
Prototype Demonstration: Sample Code and Demo Program
Flyer at library’s door / Scrolling down the page at 400Hz refresh rate ...
The prototype demonstration took place in front of a friendly and well
interested audience (two ladies, two gentlemen) – it was a nice,
encouraging experience!
Display code and demo program are now
available with the Zerocat Dev Kit project.
2024/11/19 (updated 2024/11/21)
Save the Date: 2024, November 29th, 16-18h
Prototype Demonstration of Zerocat’s 10×64 LED Display
Host: Public library Janusz-Korczak-Bibliothek, event room
Where: Germany, 13187 Berlin, Berliner Straße 120-121, S+U Pankow
Entrance: open for everyone, free of charge!
Language: a mix of german and english
Dear folks and hacker fellows on the road towards a free-design word processor device:
Let’s regain digital sovereignty! Come and watch the demonstration of Zerocat’s 10×64 LED Display – a hand-made prototype that can be build from scratch with simple tools and basic electronic elements.
- How does it work and what are its key features?
- Is it good enough to help you edit long text lines?
- Is it good enough to navigate on a virtual A4 text page??
- What about resolution? Let’s run a small icon guess game!
- Which tools and materials are required to reproduce it?
- Which license concept should be used to make it free-design?
- When to start a crowdfunded production of PCBs?
- ...
This is a protoype demonstration with talk and discussion, open for everyone and free of charge. A few photos of the event will be published on Zerocat’s website, later on, in case you indicate your consent.
Download Flyer-A4.pdf (german)
“Chipflasher v2” goes GNU Boot: One device purchased by project maintainer...
November 2024: One cat goes GNU Boot
...in order to replace the CH341A flasher during development. Check GNU Boot Project for announcements.
Zerocat Dev Kit: Display 10x64 Prototype, functionality approved
Testing the prototype in a camper
How to stay human in a world that is under digital control, even down to brain level?
The display has been created by hand, with proto boards of 100x500mm in dimension. LEDs are driven with 18mA at a refresh rate of only 12Hz due to simple and slow Spin code of the free-design controller – good enough for a first test.
Jump to project’s prototype description: Display 10x64
Zerocat Dev Kit: Display 10x64 PCB, drafted layout available
Display 10x64 PCB, drafted layout
Zerocat Dev Kit: Display 8x64 PCB, drafted layout available
Display 8x64 PCB, drafted layout
Zerocat Dev Kit: Display 8x48 PCB, drafted layout available
Display 8x48 PCB, drafted layout
Zerocat Camper: Living in a Nut Shell
New page available: Camper
In order to get productive, living and working in a camper must be amended by regular facilities like a flat, workshop or garage. I am reaching out for immediate help: Would you be able to provide a storage room, peaceful and dry? — Kai Mertens
Zerocat Dev Kit: LED Matrix 8x36 PCB, drafted layout available
LED Matrix 8x36 PCB, drafted layout
“Smart” phones and electric vehicles: Drastic impact on Democratic Republic of Congo
Cobalt, cuivre, coltan, lithium, la RDC possède dans son sous-sol les minerais indispensables au soutien du modèle économique dominant, fondé sur la croissance exponentielle du numérique et de la consommation électrique: elle abrite entre autres pas loin de 80% des réserves mondiales de coltan, un métal important pour l’industrie électronique, et l’une des plus grandes réserves de lithium au monde encore non exploitée, matériau indispensable à la fabrication des batteries de voitures électriques.
Du 22 juin au 16 juillet [2024], nous marcherons de Besançon au Parlement européen, à Strasbourg, pour porter la voix de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) et dénoncer les conséquences de la surconsommation de métaux par les grandes puissances.
--- Génération Lumière (https://generationlumiere.fr/campagne-contre-lextractivisme/)
FSiC2024¹: BMBF² courageously presenting good reasons to fund Open Source EDA³
Dr. Korbinian Schreiber, on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
¹ FSiC2024 – Free Silicon Conference 2024, Paris, June 19-21
² BMBF – Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Deutschand)
³ EDA – Electronic Design Automation
- Intrinsically free and accessable
- Flexible, extensible, and interoperable through open standards, interfaces, and file formats
- Open source code provides transparency, trustworthiness, and security
- Shared development is less development for every company and individual
- Popular amoung young people
- Sustainably protected from acquisitions
- ...
New project started to ease device development: Zerocat Dev Kit
This project is meant to ease device prototyping and development of the Zerocat Mini Machine, but it should support development of other device ideas as well. A first PCB has been designed to support a multiple PCB system, but do not use as is, please – it has not been tested yet: Zerocat Dev Kit
Zerocat Mini Machine: Put the fun back into hardware development!
Presentation, held in English (except German is explicitly required by the audience):
When: 2024, June 12th, 7 p.m. Where: xHain Hack and Makespace, Grünberger Str. 16, 10243 Berlin, Germany Web: https://x-hain.de/en/
In respect to electronic hardware development, fun is gone as soon as the tools and the development process take your freedoms away, and bind you to proprietary concepts and business models. Zerocat Mini Machine will be different! While being an interesting hardware project by itself, targeting 100% integrity of text processing towards encrypted morse code, it offers a rock-solid free license concept right from the start.
All software tools of the development chain, e.g. 3D-CAD, Electronic Design Automation (EDA), PCB layout editing, and so on are fully qualified free software, provided in reproducible environments by means of the GNU Guix System.
“Chipflasher v2” goes Libre Planet: Two devices will be sent to FSF
Zerocat is sponsoring FSF’s raffle during Libre Planet 2024 – two devices will be shipped with updated firmware version.
June 2024: Two cats go overseas
Zerocat Maintenance: Website idle, Shop closed, Studio to be relocated
The Zerocat Website as well as Zerocat’s Online Shop go idle for a period of time, but will recover once maintenance tasks are accomplished, a new studio is set up, and an alternative shop portefolio is elaborated. For the time being, Zerocat is operated fromout an historic camper with gas and solar power, but no wifi.
Happy New Year!
In 2024, I will focus on multi core, multi chip, P8X32A system development in all of its aspects, quietly, for a while. The goal is, to get in depth expertise and stable grounds for future, free-design device development, Zerocat Mini Machine included.
As a starting, Zerocat Project Template has been updated to v0.1.0! It ships a first template that can be set up per make file, easily: “Template 1, P8X32A Starter”. Give it a try, please! You will get your breadboards running in no time, using free software only ;-) — Kai Mertens