Zerocat Chipflasher  v0.4.3 (board-edition-1)
Flash free firmware to BIOS chips, kick the Manageability Engine.
Serial Control Codes

One char codes that help to build a simple protocol for the kick-connect communication. More...


#define ERRC__SUCCESS   0
 Error codes. More...
#define NUL   0x00
 "\0" More...
#define SOH   0x01
 Ascii 'start of header'. More...
#define STX   0x02
 Ascii 'start of text'. More...
#define ETX   0x03
 Ascii 'end of text'. More...
#define EOT   0x04
 Ascii 'end of transmission'. More...
#define ENQ   0x05
 Ascii 'enquiry'. More...
#define ACK   0x06
 Ascii 'acknoledge'. More...
#define NEW_LINE   0x0a
 Ascii LF "\n" 'line feed'. More...
#define CARR_RET   0x0d
 Ascii CR "\r" 'carriage return'. More...
#define NAK   0x15
 Ascii 'neg. acknoledge'. More...
#define SYN   0x16
 Ascii 'synchronous idle'. More...
#define ETB   0x17
 Ascii 'end of block transmission'. More...
#define CAN   0x18
 Ascii 'cancel'. More...
#define EM   0x19
 Ascii 'end of medium'. More...
#define SUB   0x1a
 Ascii 'substitute'. More...
#define ESC   0x1b
 Ascii 'escape'. More...
#define FS   0x1c
 Ascii 'file seperator'. More...
#define GS   0x1d
 Ascii 'group seperator'. More...
#define RS   0x1e
 Ascii 'record seperator'. More...
#define US   0x1f
 Ascii 'unit seperator'. More...
#define CLIM_CR   CARR_RET
#define CLIM_NL   NEW_LINE
#define EXIT_CHAR_A   0xff
 First char of Parallax' exit sequence. More...
#define EXIT_CHAR_B   0x00
 Second char of Parallax' exit sequence. More...
#define CHIP_TO_FILE   0x20
 Send data to terminal and save on disk. More...
#define CHIP_TO_FILE_NOSCREEN   0x21
 Send data to terminal and save on disk, without feedback on screen. More...
#define FILE_TO_CHIP   0x22
 Send data to propeller and write to chip. More...
#define FILE_TO_CHIP_NOSCREEN   0x23
 Send data to propeller and write to chip, without output on screen. More...

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ACK   0x06

Definition at line 52 of file serial-codes.h.


#define CAN   0x18

Definition at line 58 of file serial-codes.h.


#define CARR_RET   0x0d

Definition at line 54 of file serial-codes.h.


#define CHIP_TO_FILE   0x20

Definition at line 74 of file serial-codes.h.


#define CHIP_TO_FILE_NOSCREEN   0x21

Definition at line 75 of file serial-codes.h.


#define CLIM_CR   CARR_RET

Definition at line 67 of file serial-codes.h.



Definition at line 69 of file serial-codes.h.


#define CLIM_NL   NEW_LINE

Definition at line 68 of file serial-codes.h.

◆ EM

#define EM   0x19

Definition at line 59 of file serial-codes.h.


#define ENQ   0x05

Definition at line 51 of file serial-codes.h.


#define EOT   0x04

Definition at line 50 of file serial-codes.h.


#define ERRC__SUCCESS   0
Add member comments.

Definition at line 92 of file serial-codes.h.


#define ESC   0x1b

Definition at line 61 of file serial-codes.h.


#define ETB   0x17

Definition at line 57 of file serial-codes.h.


#define ETX   0x03

Definition at line 49 of file serial-codes.h.


#define EXIT_CHAR_A   0xff

Definition at line 71 of file serial-codes.h.


#define EXIT_CHAR_B   0x00

Definition at line 72 of file serial-codes.h.


#define FILE_TO_CHIP   0x22

Definition at line 76 of file serial-codes.h.


#define FILE_TO_CHIP_NOSCREEN   0x23

Definition at line 77 of file serial-codes.h.

◆ FS

#define FS   0x1c

Definition at line 62 of file serial-codes.h.

◆ GS

#define GS   0x1d

Definition at line 63 of file serial-codes.h.


#define NAK   0x15

Definition at line 55 of file serial-codes.h.


#define NEW_LINE   0x0a

Definition at line 53 of file serial-codes.h.


#define NUL   0x00

Definition at line 46 of file serial-codes.h.

◆ RS

#define RS   0x1e

Definition at line 64 of file serial-codes.h.


#define SOH   0x01

Definition at line 47 of file serial-codes.h.


#define STX   0x02

Definition at line 48 of file serial-codes.h.


#define SUB   0x1a

Definition at line 60 of file serial-codes.h.


#define SYN   0x16

Definition at line 56 of file serial-codes.h.

◆ US

#define US   0x1f

Definition at line 65 of file serial-codes.h.