Zerocat Chipflasher  v0.4.3 (board-edition-1)
Flash free firmware to BIOS chips, kick the Manageability Engine.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /******************************************************************/
27 #ifndef __SERIAL_CODES_H__
28 #define __SERIAL_CODES_H__
45 // serial control codes
46 #define NUL 0x00
47 #define SOH 0x01
48 #define STX 0x02
49 #define ETX 0x03
50 #define EOT 0x04
51 #define ENQ 0x05
52 #define ACK 0x06
53 #define NEW_LINE 0x0a
54 #define CARR_RET 0x0d
55 #define NAK 0x15
56 #define SYN 0x16
57 #define ETB 0x17
58 #define CAN 0x18
59 #define EM 0x19
60 #define SUB 0x1a
61 #define ESC 0x1b
62 #define FS 0x1c
63 #define GS 0x1d
64 #define RS 0x1e
65 #define US 0x1f
66 //line ending characters
67 #define CLIM_CR CARR_RET
68 #define CLIM_NL NEW_LINE
70 //parallax terminal exit sequence
71 #define EXIT_CHAR_A 0xff
72 #define EXIT_CHAR_B 0x00
73 //chipflasher file actions
74 #define CHIP_TO_FILE 0x20
75 #define CHIP_TO_FILE_NOSCREEN 0x21
76 #define FILE_TO_CHIP 0x22
77 #define FILE_TO_CHIP_NOSCREEN 0x23
92 #define ERRC__SUCCESS 0 //connect & kick
93 #define ERRC__JOB_CANCELLATION 1 //connect & kick
94 #define ERRC__NO_MOT 2 //kick
95 #define ERRC__NO_HEX_DIGIT 3 //kick
96 #define ERRC__LINE_ENDING_ERROR 4 //kick
97 #define ERRC__LINE_COUNT_MISMATCH 5 //kick
98 #define ERRC__LINE_TOO_LONG 6 //kick
99 #define ERRC__BUFFER_OVERRUN 7 //kick
100 #define ERRC__HEXDUMP_PARSING_ERROR 8 //kick
101 #define ERRC__NO_SUCH_FILE 9 //connect
102 #define ERRC__CHECKSUM_MISMATCH 10 //connect & kick
103 #define ERRC__LINE_LENGTH_MISMATCH 11 //connect
104 #define ERRC__OUT_OF_CHARSET 12 //connect
105 #define ERRC__LINE_TIMEOUT 13 //connect
106 #define ERRC__PORT_OPEN_FAILURE 14 //connect
108 #endif
109 /* __SERIAL_CODES_H__ */