Chipflasher Webpage
Chipflasher ‘board-edition-1’
Branch master, tag board-edition-1: In May 2018, this version had
been certified to respect computer users’ freedom by the Free Software
Foundation (FSF). First ten devices, shipped in signed packages, were
available for purchase since then. Production of more
devices had been resumed as of 2021, 12th of April, but has been
suspended again in September 2021 due to ongoing development. However,
the software of branch master (e.g.: kick2
) still applies for this
RYF-certified device, so please feel free to upgrade in case you have
built or purchased this product.
Check its dedicated webpage for more details: Webpage for Zerocat Chipflasher ‘board-edition-1’
The documentation, now built in an updated GNU Guix environment, is available here: Documentation for Zerocat Chipflasher ‘board-edition-1’
Chipflasher v2
I am happy to announce that Zerocat Chipflasher v2 is out! Some first devices and kits were available from Zerocat’s shop, located in Germany, Europe:
The Zerocat Shop (secure HTTP, JavaScript not required)
The development of “Chipflasher v2” and its firmware, kick2
, has been
funded by the Next Generation Internet (NGI) programme, as
announced by the NLnet Foundation. The funded results
are available for reference on branch flashrom-interface, which has
been updated to meet important progress and bug fixes. The
documentation, as referred by NLnet, is available here:
Documentation for Zerocat Chipflasher Flashrom Interface
The new firmware offers interfaces to the project’s own host utility,
as well as to flashrom
. By default, the device communicates via RS232
at 115200baud and drives the SPI bus at clock rates up to 40MHz when
used via serprog v1 protocol.
It is worth noting that the flasher can be used to access SPI configuration registers so that the users can apply hardware protection mode to the BIOS chips of their desktops and laptops if the chips support that feature.
Hardware protection mode greatly improves system integrity by preventing firmware modification via software, spyware or malware...
The “Chipflasher v2” documentation is available here: Documentation for Zerocat Chipflasher
I intend to send device samples to the Free Software Foundation in Boston, USA, and apply for their Respects-Your-Freedom (RYF) certification programme. In order to reflect the current status of my application, an extensive system is used on the sales pages and associated documents:
RYF intended –> pending –> applied/denied
At the time of writing (10th of September 2024), the status still is:
RYF intended
The RYF programme not only requires the device to be developed with a clean stock of free-software applications, it also checks copyright and license compatibilities of the hardware distribution, of shops and their sales pages. If my shop finally succeeds, “Chipflasher v2” can be offered as an RYF-certified device.
First things first: The shop is currently down, as I am in urgent need to find a new workshop or studio – I will then resume sales and check with the FSF to see if they are able to send a ticket number.