Documentation for “Zerocat Dev Kit”
Generated on: Tue, 03 Dec 2024 15:24:38 +0100
Repository: git://
Version: 2117b7b4b
Branch: master


# Bill of Material “multiboard”

Footprints are named according to gEDA/gaf and PCB footprint naming convention.

## Sheet “multiboard-page01.sch”

### Pattern per Record

* refdes

    - device
    - value
    - footprint
    - description
    - comment
    - qty

### Bill

* U3

    - 5MHz
    - CRYSTAL 300
    - crystal
    - unknown
    - 1

* U1

    - P8X32A
    - unknown
    - DIP40
    - Parallax Propeller 1, Open Source Controller
    - This chip is precious, use socket. If Vdd falls below +2.7V, all pins become tristate. RESn is pulled up through 5K when BOEn is low.
    - 1

* C17,C18

    - 10nF
    - RCY100
    - capacitor
    - unknown
    - 2

## Sheet “multiboard-page02.sch”

### Pattern per Record

* refdes

    - device
    - value
    - footprint
    - description
    - comment
    - qty

### Bill

* U4

    - 24Cxx
    - 24LC256
    - DIP8
    - 2-wire serial cmos eeprom
    - This chip is optional. Use socket.
    - 1

* R2

    - 10K
    - ACY500
    - unknown
    - unknown
    - 1

## Sheet “multiboard-page03.sch”

### Pattern per Record

* refdes

    - device
    - value
    - footprint
    - description
    - comment
    - qty

### Bill

* R3,R4

    - 220R
    - ACY500
    - unknown
    - Value need not match exactly.
    - 2

## Sheet “multiboard-page04.sch”

### Pattern per Record

* refdes

    - device
    - value
    - footprint
    - description
    - comment
    - qty

### Bill

* U6

    - MAX232
    - MAX3232CPE+
    - DIP16
    - 3V-powered dual RS-232 driver/receiver
    - MAX3232EPE+ needs extended reset pulse.
    - 1

* J2

    - HEADER10
    - male
    - HEADER10_2
    - RS232 Header with DTE Pin Labels
    - unknown
    - 1

* C10,C7,C8,C9

    - 100nF precision
    - RCY100
    - capacitor
    - unknown
    - 4

* U2

    - 74HC32
    - unknown
    - DIP14
    - 4 OR gates with 2 inputs
    - unknown
    - 1

* U9

    - 74HC08
    - unknown
    - DIP14
    - 4 AND gates with 2 inputs
    - unknown
    - 1

* J3

    - HEADER10
    - unknown
    - HEADER10_1
    - unknown
    - unknown
    - 1

* J8

    - HEADER16
    - unknown
    - HEADER16_2
    - unknown
    - unknown
    - 1

* R14,R15,R16,R18

    - 47K
    - ACY500
    - unknown
    - unknown
    - 4

## Sheet “multiboard-page05.sch”

### Pattern per Record

* refdes

    - device
    - value
    - footprint
    - description
    - comment
    - qty

### Bill

* J4,J5,J6,J7

    - HEADER20
    - unknown
    - HEADER20_1
    - unknown
    - unknown
    - 4

* R11,R12

    - 100R
    - ACY500
    - unknown
    - unknown
    - 2

* C19,C20

    - 10F/16V
    - RCY100P
    - polarized capacitor
    - unknown
    - 2

## Sheet “multiboard-page06.sch”

### Pattern per Record

* refdes

    - device
    - value
    - footprint
    - description
    - comment
    - qty

### Bill

* V1

    - THERMISTOR +t GradC
    - RXEF075
    - RCY200
    - PPTC Thermistor, I-Hold 750mA, I-Trip 1.5A
    - Also known as Polyfuse.
    - 1

* Z1

    - 6V8/1.3W
    - ALF500
    - unknown
    - unknown
    - 1


    - unknown
    - PWRJACK-5.5-2.1-3pin.fp
    - barrel connector jack, size 5.5mm, pin 2.1mm
    - unknown
    - 1

## Sheet “multiboard-page07.sch”

### Pattern per Record

* refdes

    - device
    - value
    - footprint
    - description
    - comment
    - qty

### Bill

* C3

    - 10uF 16V Tantalum
    - RCY100P
    - polarized capacitor
    - unknown
    - 1

* U5

    - LD1117V33
    - unknown
    - TO220S
    - Low Dropout Voltage Regulator 800mA
    - unknown
    - 1

* C5

    - 100nF
    - RCY100
    - capacitor
    - unknown
    - 1

* D3

    - LED
    - unknown
    - LED3
    - Generic LED
    - unknown
    - 1

* R13

    - 220R
    - ACY500
    - unknown
    - unknown
    - 1

## Sheet “multiboard-page08.sch”

### Pattern per Record

* refdes

    - device
    - value
    - footprint
    - description
    - comment
    - qty

### Bill

* U7

    - unknown
    - DIP12
    - unknown
    - unknown
    - 1

* R5

    - 47K
    - SIP7
    - unknown
    - unknown
    - 1

* R6,R7

    - 47K
    - ACY500
    - unknown
    - unknown
    - 2

* U8

    - 74HC151
    - unknown
    - DIP16
    - 8 to 1 multiplexer
    - 74152 not available at local dealer
    - 1

## Sheet “multiboard-page09.sch”

### Pattern per Record

* refdes

    - device
    - value
    - footprint
    - description
    - comment
    - qty

### Bill

* U2

    - 74HC32
    - unknown
    - DIP14
    - 4 OR gates with 2 inputs
    - unknown
    - 1

* U9

    - 74HC08
    - unknown
    - DIP14
    - 4 AND gates with 2 inputs
    - unknown
    - 1

* R1,R17,R8

    - 47K
    - ACY500
    - unknown
    - unknown
    - 3

## Sheet “multiboard-page10.sch”

### Pattern per Record

* refdes

    - device
    - value
    - footprint
    - description
    - comment
    - qty

### Bill

* R9

    - 100K
    - ACY500
    - unknown
    - unknown
    - 1

* C11,C14

    - 1nF
    - RCY200
    - capacitor
    - unknown
    - 2

* C16

    - 100nF
    - RCY100
    - capacitor
    - unknown
    - 1

* R10

    - 10K
    - ACY500
    - unknown
    - unknown
    - 1

## Sheet “multiboard-page11.sch”

### Pattern per Record

* refdes

    - device
    - value
    - footprint
    - description
    - comment
    - qty

### Bill

* C1

    - 100nF
    - RCY100
    - capacitor
    - Blocking Cap for U8 (74HC151)
    - 1

* C2

    - 100nF
    - RCY100
    - capacitor
    - Blocking Cap for U2 (74HC32)
    - 1

* C4

    - 100nF
    - RCY100
    - capacitor
    - Blocking Cap for U9 (74HC08)
    - 1

* C6

    - 100nF precision
    - RCY100
    - capacitor
    - Blocking Cap for U6 (MAX3232)
    - 1

* C15

    - 100nF
    - RCY100
    - capacitor
    - Blocking Cap for U4 (24LC256)
    - 1

* C12

    - 100nF
    - RCY100
    - capacitor
    - Blocking Cap for U1 (P8X32A), left side
    - 1

* C13

    - 100nF
    - RCY100
    - capacitor
    - Blocking Cap for U1 (P8X32A), right side
    - 1

## Sheet “multiboard-page12.sch”

### Pattern per Record

* refdes

    - device
    - value
    - footprint
    - description
    - comment
    - qty

### Bill

* U2

    - 74HC32
    - unknown
    - DIP14
    - 4 OR gates with 2 inputs
    - unknown
    - 1