Documentation for “Zerocat Chipflasher” as of Wed, 01 Jan 2025 22:07:29 +0100
Version: v2.1.0-0-850cd7bce
Branch: master


Propeller Spin/PASM Compiler 'OpenSpin' (c)2012-2016 Parallax Inc. DBA Parallax Semiconductor.
Version 1.00.78
Program size is 240 bytes

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Zerocat Chipflasher --- Flash free firmware, kick the Management Engine.

Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2024  Kai Mertens 

File pins.spin --- Define Propeller Pins
Compare to: firmware/src/libkick/proppins.h

This file is part of the Zerocat Chipflasher.

See end of file for terms of use.


# Object Configuration (set via Makefile)

* Tell us which RS232 baudrate to use at start:

    115200, 57600, 38400 or according to DIP Switch:
    Switch #1: open = 57600, closed = 115200

* Tell us which SPI power-up type to use:

    One Shot, Pulses, or according to DIP Switch:
    Switch #2: open = One Shot, closed = Pulses

* Tell us which SPI power-off type to use:

    Auto, Static, or according to DIP Switch:
    Switch #3: open = auto, closed = static

* Tell us which SPI mode to use:

    Mode 0, Mode 3, or according to DIP Switch:
    Switch #4: open = Mode 0, closed = Mode 3

* Tell us which SPI clock driver strength to use:

    100%, 75%, 50%, 25% or according to DIP Switch:
    Switch #5..#6: oo = 25%, xo = 50%, ox = 75%, xx = 100%

# Interface Description

Object "../../firmware2/src/pins" Interface:

PUB  check_cable : 
PUB  get_board_version : 
PUB  get_board_config(vboard) : 
PUB  get_pin_RSTinhibit(vboard)
PUB  get_monitor_hardware(vboard)
PUB  get_SPI_power_off_type(cfg)
PUB  get_SPI_power_on_type(cfg)
PUB  get_SPI_power_config(cfg)
PUB  get_SPI_mode(cfg)
PUB  get_clk_driver(cfg)
PUB  get_baudrate(cfg)
PUB  high(pin_number)
PUB  low(pin_number)

Program:  56 Longs
Variable: 0 Longs

# Loaded Objects

# Constants

* Pins in respect to PCB version



    PCBv1 (aka BOARD_V1):

    RST_DISABLE       --- Inhibit signal pin on board v1 for net RS232_RST,
                          on Testboard simulating PCBv1, reconfigure!

    PCBv2 (aka BOARD_V2):

    RS232_RST         --- Sense RST input from host
    RST_INHIBIT       --- Inhibit signal pin on board v2 for net RS232_RST
    ADC_OUT           --- Sigma-delta ADC circuit, counter output
    ADC_CALIBRATION   --- Sigma-delta ADC circuit, calibration pin, providing 0V/3.3V, tri-state when idle
    ADC_IN            --- Sigma-delta ADC circuit, counter input

* Fast Addressable Pins 0..8
* Slow Addressable Pins 9..31
* DIP Switches A and B, otherwise hardwired: Board Version

    Testboard: open = H, closed straight = L, closed angular = H

    open = H, closed = L

    Board Version  |  SWDIP_B  |  SWDIP_A
               V1  |        L  |        L
               V2  |        L  |        H
               V3  |        H  |        L
               V4  |        H  |        H

    Switch SWDIP_B is tristate on PCBv1,
    but will hopefully read low.

* Hardcoded DIP switch configuration for PCBv1

    - RS232 baudrate 115200
    - Pulsed SPI power-on
    - Automatic SPI power-off
    - SPI mode 3
    - Full clock driver strength

* DIP Switch 1: RS232 Baudrate

    open = H, closed = L

    RS232 Baudrate  |  SWDIP_1
             57600  |        H
            115200  |        L

* DIP Switch 2: SPI power-up Type

    open = H, closed = L

    Power-up Type   |  SWDIP_2
        one shot    |        H
        pulses      |        L

* DIP Switch 3: SPI power-off type

    open = H, closed = L

    Power-off Type  |  SWDIP_3
             auto   |        H
           static   |        L

* DIP Switch 4: SPI Mode

    open = H, closed = L

    SPI Mode  |  SWDIP_4
           0  |        H
           3  |        L

* DIP Switches 5..6: SPI Clock Driver

    open = H, closed = L

    SPI Clock Driver  |  SWDIP_5  |  SWDIP_6
                 25%  |        H  |        H
                 50%  |        L  |        H
                 75%  |        H  |        L
                100%  |        L  |        L

* Compound Bitmasks

  MASK_CEn_AVAIL      --- bitmask for all available CEn pins
  MASK_SCLK_AVAIL     --- bitmask for all available SPI clock pins
  MASK_SPI_BUS_AVAIL  --- bitmask for pins that form the SPI Bus

  MASK_SCLK_ACTIVE100 --- bitmask for selected SPI clock pins in use: four
  MASK_SCLK_ACTIVE75  --- bitmask for selected SPI clock pins in use: three
  MASK_SCLK_ACTIVE50  --- bitmask for selected SPI clock pins in use: two
  MASK_SCLK_ACTIVE25  --- bitmask for selected SPI clock pins in use: one
  MASK_SCLK_ACTIVE0   --- bitmask for selected SPI clock pins in use: none

* SPI Modes

# Functions

PUB  check_cable : 

 Check SPI Cable
 FALSE = Cable not present
 TRUE  = Cable present

PUB  get_board_version : 

 Get board version from hardwired PCB, not inverted!

PUB  get_board_config(vboard) : 

 Retrieve board configuration from DIP switches.

PUB  get_pin_RSTinhibit(vboard)

 Which pin is used to inhibit net RS232_RST?

PUB  get_monitor_hardware(vboard)

 Is SPI voltage monitor hardware available?

PUB  get_SPI_power_off_type(cfg)

 Check DIP switch 3:
 Vcc_SPI Suspend allowed:    return FALSE
 Vcc_SPI Suspend inhibited:  return TRUE

PUB  get_SPI_power_on_type(cfg)

 Check DIP switch 2:
 Returns TRUE for type repetitive, otherwise FALSE.

PUB  get_SPI_power_config(cfg)

 Check DIP switches 2 and 3:

 sw2 | sw3
  H  |  H    = one shot, auto
  L  |  H    = pulses, auto
  H  |  L    = one shot, static
  L  |  L    = pulses, static

PUB  get_SPI_mode(cfg)

 Check DIP switch 4, set SPI mode.

PUB  get_clk_driver(cfg)

 Check DIP switches 5 and 6, set driver strength.

PUB  get_baudrate(cfg)

 Return baudrate according to DIP switch 1.

PUB  high(pin_number)

 Set pin high (1).
 Direction register bit is configured to output.

PUB  low(pin_number)

 Set pin low (0).
 Direction register bit is configured to output.

Terms of Use:

Zerocat Chipflasher is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.

Zerocat Chipflasher is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with Zerocat Chipflasher.  If not, see <>.

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