Documentation for “Zerocat Chipflasher” as of Tue, 11 Feb 2025 14:22:20 +0100
Version: v2.1.1-0-7ab6f93df
Branch: master


Propeller Spin/PASM Compiler 'OpenSpin' (c)2012-2016 Parallax Inc. DBA Parallax Semiconductor.
Version 1.00.78
Program size is 936 bytes

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Zerocat Chipflasher --- Flash free firmware, kick the Management Engine.

Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2025  Kai Mertens 

File serprog-SPI-PASM-Pulse.spin --- Emit SPI clock pulse train,
                                     triggered by pin transition

This file is part of Zerocat Chipflasher.

See end of file for terms of use.


# Object Summary

Object "../../firmware2/src/SPIclock-PASM" Interface:

PUB  go
PUB  stop
PUB  init(pin_CLK)
PUB  power_on
PUB  power_off
PUB  pulse_on
PUB  pulse_off

Program:  230 Longs
Variable: 9 Longs

# Objects

Load pin configuration object.

# Constants

Pin Configuration
  PIN_TRISTATE  --- Idle Counter Pin
  SPI_TRG_FSEL  --- Trigger and Frequency Select

  FUNCID__READY, must be zero

# Variables

stack[]         --- Provide some stack space

# Functions

PUB  go

 Launch PASM code into new cog: SPI_Pulse

PUB  stop

 Stop cog.

PUB  init(pin_CLK)

 Launch PASM routine: init1

PUB  power_on

 Launch PASM routine: poweron

PUB  power_off

 Launch PASM routine: poweroff

PUB  pulse_on

 Launch PASM routine: pulse

 The routine will keep monitoring the trigger pin in an endless loop.
 Use `pulse_off` and a trigger pulse to quit.

PUB  pulse_off

 Clear function ID with ready flag.
 A trigger pulse is required to quit the `pulse` routine.

# PASM/Data


  SPI_Pulse --- PASM code entry


  init1 --- get parameter, initialize clock pin, set counter mode


  Stores clock pin and corresponding bitmask at runtime.


  * stack[1] = SPI clock pin number
  * stack[0] = function ID / Ready Flag


  poweron --- enable clock pin


  poweroff --- disable clock pin


  pulse --- Emit Pulse Train, 10MHz or 40MHz


  Once started, routine keeps monitoring the trigger pin. If a low-to-high edge
  has been detected, a train of 8 clock pulses is provided on the clock pin. To
  quit the endless loop, set the ready flag from outside and provide one final
  trigger. The routine will end by issuing a dummy train at high speed.


  None, but trigger pin is monitored for frequency select right after trigger.


  Named registers, initialized

  mask_TRIGGER  --- bitmask for trigger and frequency select pin
  ready         --- used to flag valid data or end of function
  v_frqa        --- 10MHz NCO
  v_frqb        --- 40MHz NCO


  Named registers, reserved space, not initialized

  funcID          --- PASM function to call
  p_stack         --- stack base address, as passed via PAR
  p               --- pointer into stack
  pinCLK          --- clock pin
  mask_pinCLK     --- clock pin bitmask

Terms of Use:

Zerocat Chipflasher is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.

Zerocat Chipflasher is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with Zerocat Chipflasher.  If not, see <>.

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